Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ok. You win. Go Obama.

But i have a couple of parting shots.

I am embarrassed for Colorado. We go democrat for president, house and senate. Then proceed to vote down every tax initiative on the ballot (including school funding). Essentially, we voted that don't want any new taxes now matter how righteous the cause. Yet we decide to elect a group of politicians with a stated agenda to use our taxes dollars to fund their own special projects. Idiots.

Obama gives a hell of a speech. But other than the fact that we will have a much more eloquent president i am left wondering what else we get out of this deal.

I am pretty sure I will have to work harder to earn less, there will be plenty of programs i will help fund which I dont believe in, and the French will like us better.

Other than that, I dont really know what "change" is coming. Please feel free to enlighten me with the positives. But please keep in mind, its over, no more hanging your hat on mistakes the last administration made (including the false comments on our "defeat" in Iraq).

What can we expect Obama to do for this country? Honestly, I am actually cheering for the guy.. The country needs an exceptional president right now.